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Free Quotes Across the Nation: 1.855.620.6616

P WER YOUR CAMP entirely WITH THE SUN! Learn How

A great opportunity to make money and save the planet with free solar


At Solar Logix, we understand that harnessing the power of solar energy is an investment that not all families can afford. Solar Logix is proud to offer, for the very first time, solar panel arrays to all qualifying rooftops in Ontario at no cost. The program allows Solar Logix to pay each applicant who signs up and has the array installed on their rooftop an annual fee. In addition to a $500 bonus, Solar Logix will pay up to $1200 annually for a 20 year term based on the size of the solar array. After the 20 year term is up, the applicant will own the free solar array for use in off-grid situations. The applicant can also renew the microFIT contract with the OPA if it is available at the time to allow them to continue generating revenue with their solar array.

This is a rare opportunity and a no-lose situation for home owners who cannot afford to purchase their own rooftop solar panel array. Solar Logix is excited for this chance to provide solar energy to as many homes in Ontario as possible.

An overview of the program

Why should you sign up for free solar?

Please contact Solar Logix today to get started! One of our solar consultants at the Solar Logix location nearest you will be more than happy to discuss the benefits of our free solar program, and help get you on your way to enjoying the power of solar energy.

Solar Logix locations

Thunder Bay: 807-620-6616 (Toll Free: 1-855-620-6616)
Oakville: 905-469-3111 (Toll Free 1-866-469-3111)
Ottawa: 613-747-8888
Sault Ste. Marie: 705-575-4315
Hamilton: 905-664-4713
Sudbury: 705-586-3100

Get Started

You can be part of Ontario’s green energy movement, make money and contribute to a cleaner environment. »

Solar Logix helped produce:

That's enough energy to power:

  • Homes 265
  • Lights 2767
  • Acres Saved 17,247